Arabic Language has an exceptional position in Islam. It is
the language of Quran, thus the need to learn and understand Arabic
amongst Muslims is of paramount importance. For countries where
their native language is not Arabic, the language is only taught in
special schools with early ages such as in the kindergarten. With the
advent of computer technology, various kind of multimedia tools have
been developed for the purpose of language learning. Even though
there are few applications available in the market for that purpose,
most of them do not fully utilize the multimedia elements. The prime
objective of this study was to propose an Arabic Language Learning
(ALL) for kids of ages between 4 to 6 years old that enable them to
learn the language. In the process, an interactive field-tested ALL for
kids has been developed as an alternative to the traditional learning
tools. The results of user evaluation on the ALL indicate that it has
good usability in terms of Learnability, Usefulness, Ease of Use and
Outcome/Future Use. The results also indicate that there is a
significant difference between novice and expert users for Usefulness
and Ease of Use, while no significant difference for learnability and
Outcome/Future Use