Biomolecular machines fulfill their function through large conformational changes that typically occur on the millisecond time scale or longer. Conventional atomistic simulations can only reach microseconds at the moment. Here, extending the minimalist model developed for protein folding, we propose the ''switching Go model'' and use it to simulate the rotary motion of ATP-driven molecular motor F 1-ATPase. The simulation recovers the unidirectional 120°rotation of the ␥-subunit, the rotor. The rotation was induced solely by steric repulsion from the ␣33 subunits, the stator, which undergoes conformation changes during ATP hydrolysis. In silico alanine mutagenesis further elucidated which residues play specific roles in the rotation. Finally, regarding the mechanochemical coupling scheme, we found that the tri-site model does not lead to successful rotation but that the alwaysbi-site model produces Ϸ30°and Ϸ90°substeps, perfectly in accord with experiments. In the always-bi-site model, the number of sites occupied by nucleotides is always two during the hydrolysis cycle. This study opens up an avenue of simulating functional dynamics of huge biomolecules that occur on the millisecond time scales involving large-amplitude conformational change.always-bi-site model ͉ energy landscape ͉ funnel ͉ switching Go model B iomolecular machines, such as the ribosome, transporter, and molecular motors, fulfill their function through largeamplitude conformational change. Structural information before and after the conformational change has been provided by x-ray crystallography and other methods for many cases (1). However, these methods do not directly observe the molecular dynamics that connects two-end structures. These dynamical aspects can be observed directly by fluorescence and other time-resolved spectroscopy; however, the latter methods monitor local structure but do not give global structural information. In this sense, molecular dynamics simulation is potentially powerful because it can provide full time-dependent structural information about biomolecular machines (2-5). Yet, functional cycles of these systems typically take milliseconds or longer, which is far beyond the current reach of molecular simulations with all-atom standard force-fields (6). Thus, a complementary approach may be to coarse-grain the molecular representation, thereby enabling the simulation orders of magnitude-longer time scales.Coarse-graining drops some details from the model, while hopefully keeping the essence. To achieve them, we need some perspective on the physical process we are trying to simply. Upon conformational change, some portions of molecules do not significantly change their structures; here, the atomic motion can be well approximated by harmonic fluctuations. It has been known that very simple C ␣ models, such as the elastic network model (7), can reproduce low-frequency harmonic fluctuation fairly well. Conversely, large-scale conformational change involves rearrangement of nonlocal contacts between amino acids, which is...