We use data from the ARGO cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiment to constrain cosmogonies. We account for the ARGO beamwidth and calibration uncertainties, and we marginalize over the o †set removed from the data. Our derived amplitudes of the CMB anisotropy detected by the ARGO experiment are smaller than those derived previously. We consider open and spatially Ñat-" cold dark matter cosmogonies, with the clustered-mass density parameter in the range ) 0 0.1È1, the baryonic-mass density parameter in the range 0.005È0.029 h~2, and the age of the universe ) B in the range 10È20 Gyr. Marginalizing over all parameters but the ARGO data favor an open t 0 ) 0 , (spatially Ñat-") model with (0.1). However, these numerical values are model dependent. At ) 0 \ 0.23 the 2 p conÐdence level, model normalizations deduced from the ARGO data are consistent with those drawn from the UCSB South Pole 1994, MAX 4 ] 5, White Dish, and SuZIE data sets. The ARGO open-model normalizations are also consistent with those deduced from the Di †erential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) data. However, for most spatially Ñat-" models, the DMR normalizations are more than 2 p above the ARGO ones. Subject headings : cosmic microwave background È cosmology : observations È large-scale structure of universe