The fatty acid profiles of 59 type strains representing genera, species, and serovars belonging to the family Leptospiraceae were investigated by using gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives prepared from washed leptospires. The interstrain differences of the gas-liquid chromatography FAME profiles were quantified by performing a linear regression analysis in which we compared the FAME profiles of pairs of strains and expressed the results as correlation coefficients. Leptospiral strains could be differentiated into 17 FAME relatedness groups, which were characterized by both stringent similarities within a group and sharp differences between groups. In each group, a strain was selected as a FAME reference strain. FAME reference strains can be used as keys for a chemotaxonomic phenotypic classification of strains belonging to the family Leptospiraceae.In a preliminary study (4), the fatty acids of six type strains which represented the two genera (Leptospira and Leptonema) and four species (Leptospira interrogans, Leptospira biyexa, Leptospira parva , and Leptonema illini) currently recognized in the family Leptospiraceae (13, 14, 16) were investigated by using gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives. The FAME profiles of pairs of strains were compared by performing a linear regression (LR) analysis (7), and the results were expressed as correlation coefficients.At the strain level, biological and technical variables (i.e., the gas chromatographic run, the chemical derivatization process, coeval seeds of the same strain, and the growth phase of the culture) did not significantly affect the FAME profiles of the strains tested (4). On the other hand, at the interstrain level, stepwise increasing differences were observed among the type strains examined (4). These results indicated that in the family Leptospiraceae, FAME profiles behave like stable fingerprints of the bacterial phenotypes and can be used to differentiate leptospiral strains.In this study the gas-liquid chromatography FAME profiles of 59 leptospira strains representing 28 parasitic and 31 saprophytic serovars were compared to determine whether these profiles could be used as a chemotaxonomic key for the classification of members of the Leptospiraceae, using the similarities and differences in the strains tested.
MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains. In the family Leptospiraceae, two genera (Leptospira and Leptonema) and four species (Leptospira interrogans, Leptospira bifexa, Leptospira parva, and Leptonema illini) are presently recognized (13,14,16 (24, 27) were also included in the set of 59 serovars examined. Most of the strains tested were obtained from the Leptospira Culture Collection kept at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (2); the exceptions were the type strains of serovars navet, peru, wawain, and lyme, which were received from A. Kaufmann, Center for Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, Ga.The strains were grown in polysorbate albumin-enriched EMJH medium (9, 17). The same batch...