Unicellular organisms make excellent material for the study of various cellular phenomena. Tctrah\nncna t/clcii, a colorless holotrichous ciliate, is an exceptionally desirable organism for such physiological studies, mainly because it is readily grown in rather simple, sterile organic media. This organism contains cytochromes c, b, a, and possibly a._, and its oxygen consumption is inhibited by cyanide and carbon monoxide (Baker and Baumberger, 1941). It grows well at ordinary oxygen tensions, but is most prolific in pure "oxygen (Pace and Ireland, 1945). It soon dies in oxygen tensions below 10 mm. Hg partial pressure.Many investigations have been carried out with Tetrahymena as the experimental organism. There is, however, much to be desired in respect to our knowledge concerning respiratory metabolism ; knowledge that may lead to a better understanding of the respiratory mechanisms of cells in general. Since very little is known concerning oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide elimination, and respiratory quotient in Tetrahymena, the following investigations were made.