This study sought to identify and compare the characteristics of the social pedagogic context of cognitive activities in a sample of early education settings in six European countries (England, Finland, Greece, Italy, Spain and Sweden). Previous research concerning the social context within which cognitive/learning activities take place has focused on practitioner-child relations; yet, children undertaking these activities spend the majority of their time with peers and away from the presence of practitioners. Data were collected in two early education settings in each of the countries, using as research tools: descriptive narrative contextual information (concerning structure, size, curriculum framework), mapping of interpersonal activity, reflective rating scales (concerning nature of cognitive tasks and support for children's interactions) and practitioner interviews (concerning children's interactions for learning and development). Results identified some variation in frameworks, activity and practice between the partner countries but noted more generally that children are found in distinct pedagogic 'worlds' when acting/interacting with practitioners Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 16:24 08 October 2014 380 P. Kutnick et al. and peers. These pedagogic worlds were separated by size and composition of grouping, activities and communication. The pedagogic worlds also related to task and interpersonal support for learning and development within settings. Interviews with practitioners showed a concern to promote children's social development but a consistent focus on individual children's development (rather than a social focus on all children). Conclusions identify that the distinctive pedagogic 'worlds' may be the source of social exclusion (especially among peers) and question how practitioners may more fully integrate/support a socio-constructive basis of cognitive activities into peer-based interactions.Cette étude cherche à identifier et comparer les caractéristiques du contexte socio-pédagogique des activités cognitives dans un ensemble de services de la petite enfance de six pays européens (Angleterre, Finlande, Grèce, Italie, Espagne et Suède). Les recherches antérieures sur le contexte social dans lequel les activités cognitives/d'apprentissage prennent place sont centrées sur les relations praticien-enfant; pourtant les enfants qui entreprennent ces activités passent la majorité de leur temps avec leurs pairs et hors de la présence des praticiens. Les données ont été recueillies dans deux services de la petite enfance dans chacun des pays, à l'aide des instruments de recherche suivants: description du contexte (structure, taille, cadre curriculaire), caractérisation de l'activité interpersonnelle, échelles d'évaluation réflectives (nature des tâches cognitives et soutien des interactions des enfants) et entretiens avec les praticiens (interactions des enfants pour se developper et apprendre). Les résultats indiquent quelques variations dans les cadres, les activités et les pratiques entre le...