Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the world's oceans. They are rotated with a 10-100 km length scale. The relatively isolated water mass trapped with mesoscale eddies can propagate a long distance while maintaining the source thermohaline characteristics. Thus, there are significant differences in the thermohaline structures between the inside and outside eddies, which have profound effects on underwater acoustic propagation.The earliest studies on the impact of eddies on sound propagation were conducted by Vastano and Owens (1973) and Weinberg and Zabalgogeazcoa (1977) based on hydrological field data measured from a cyclonic Gulf Stream (GS) ring detected in 1967. Vastano and Owens (1973) first observed the significant acoustic field perturbation caused by the cyclonic ring in the relatively uniform acoustic environment of the Sargasso Sea and found a strong dispersion phenomenon of the ray path in the area where the sound channel depth changed with the ray computations. In the following year, Gemmill studied the eddy's effects on the convergence mode of sound propagation and revealed that the cold eddy destroys the cyclic distribution of the convergence zones and refracts the sound rays into the deep sound channel. Subsequently, the eddy effects on ray travel time, which reflects the sound arrival structure, were studied with a range-dependent model presented by Weinberg and Zabalgogeazcoa (1977). Although the above studies are valuable, the corresponding sensitivity investigations of sound propagation on the eddy property variation cannot be conducted because of the rarity of eddy field data. To address this problem, Henrick et al. (1977) established a parametric eddy model qualitatively validated by GS ring observation data. Through the model, the effects of eddy intensity, geometric size and peak rotation speed on sound transmission are studied. Due to the good performance of such a model in describing eddy sound