While the sanctions and tariffs of the USA towards the Chinese Marble Industry are increasing, the current study uncovers the strategic orientations of leading marble suppliers of the world and their effects on technological innovativeness. Turkey is the leader of world marble production, and it is at the central point of the world marble trade between the west and the east. The sample is from the marble enterprises participating in the most significant international trade fairs, one of Turkey's most competitive sectors. Data of the study is from 53 respondents of 898 firms participated, among 200 national marble firm visits, using a survey method. Factor analyses resulted in four theoretical components of strategic orientations: opportunity orientation, learning orientation, technology orientation, and customer orientation. The correlation analyses' results showed that three strategic orientations (learning, technology, and opportunity orientation) have significant relations with technological innovativeness. Multiple regression analysis results revealed that opportunity orientation is the main predictor of technological innovativeness in the marble industry. From professionals' perspectives in the sector and researchers in innovation management, the study presents the significance of identifying opportunities for technological innovation. The study presents insights for both researchers and decisionmakers in the marble industry.