Abstract.This note is a study of the problem of the steady motion of an inviscid incompressible fluid past thin airfoils, the Hall effect being taken into account. The case of crossed fields (one of the most important in aerodynamics) is studied in detail. The results for the cases of aligned fields and Alfven motion are also given. The general solution is represented by a continuous superposition of plane waves. The boundary conditions determine the solution by means of a Fredholm-type integral equation which may be solved with the aid of the method of successive approximations. If the parameter of the magneto-hydrodynamic interaction (S) is equal to zero, one obtains the known solution of classical aerodynamics. The equation is solved explicitly for Alfven motion.1. Introduction. The flow of conducting incompressible fluids past thin airfoils when the Hall effect is neglected has been rather comprehensively discussed. Relevant references may be found, for instance, in [1] and [2], In practical problems which require the study of the fluid motion past airfoils (e.g. problems of aerodynamics and astronautics) the fluid is an ionized gas. It is known, however, that in the dynamics of ionized gases the Hall effect cannot be disregarded. Accordingly an examination including the Hall effect is necessary; this is the object of the present paper.Some results in this connection have already been given. The aligned-fields case has been considered by Sears and Resler [1] and Tang and Seebass [3]. In [1] a qualitative study was made and in [3] a quantitative description of the solution in symmetrical flow was given. Working independently, we examined the general problem in [2] and [4], In these papers, however, the solution is expressed with the aid of generalized functions.The solution presented here includes the cases of crossed fields, aligned fields and Alfven motion. Moreover, the solution is valid for general flows (not only for symmetric flows), and is expressed by means of classical functions. The method is applicable both to compressible fluids [5] and viscous fluids [6].For the sake of simplicity only the mathematical treatment of the problem is given here. It is assumed that the formulation of the problem is known from the works cited.