<p><em><strong>Ethics is defined as a person's beliefs about whether certain decisions, behaviors, or actions are right or wrong. Therefore what determines ethical behavior differs from one person to another. For example, someone who finds money on the floor of an empty house may believe it's perfectly fine to pick it up, while another may feel obligated to return it to the lost items section. The concept of ethical behavior usually refers to behavior that is accepted by general social norms. Unethical behavior is behavior that is not in accordance with general social norms. Ethical behavior in business is something that is important for the survival of the business itself. Businesses that do not have ethical behavior will be detrimental to the business itself, especially when viewed from a long-term perspective. A healthy business is not only a profitable business, but a healthy and good business is that in addition to being a profitable business, it is also a business that is morally good and has a sense of responsibility that can be implemented.</strong></em></p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Keywords: Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, International Business</strong></p><p> </p>