Understanding the criteria warranting the existence, stability, and activity of a given configuration of atoms has pivotal relevance in chemical and materials science. Photocatalysts, traditionally semiconductors, are essential for processes ranging from water purification to water splitting, air filtration, and surgical instrument sterilization, and harvest optical energy to drive chemical reactions. These semiconductors harvest optical energy to drive chemical reactions. With chemical reactions dictated by atomic and molecular interactions at the nanoscale, examining these processes with near-atomic resolution is necessary to understand photochemical processes in depth and to improve materials for next-generation catalysts. The performance and key electronic properties of semiconductors are dictated by the interplay between the surface chemistry and morphology, whose manipulation has inspired experimental and theoretical researchers. This interplay has been clarified by theoretical studies based on atomic-scale modelling with particular attention given to two sets of degreesof-freedom: the atomic positions and chemical configuration. This perspective article presents the major computational challenges and modern methodological strategies toward advancing the field. The ZnWO 4 material was selected as a case study, and the key concepts developed in recent years are discussed to clarify the morphology, i.e., the exposed surfaces of materials, and explain its functional properties or performance. First-principle calculations capture the geometric and electronic effects on the photocatalytic activity in agreement with experimental data. Indeed, important and often surprising structure-function relations have been observed based in depth atomistic modelling on morphological analysis. An overview of past achievements and future directions is provided according to the authors' outlook.