564 30 YEARS 30 YEARS 1 9 8 8 -2 0 1 8 Acta Paul Enferm. 2018; 31(5):564-71.Approach to sexuality in the care of cancer patients: barriers and strategies Abordagem da sexualidade no cuidado ao paciente oncológico: barreiras e estratégias Abordaje de la sexualidad en el cuidado del paciente oncológico: barreras y estrategias Abstract Objective: To identify intervening factors in the approach to sexuality, by patients and professionals, and to describe strategies used in this approach in the care of cancer patients. Methods: Integrative literature review, based on systematic steps, databases and/or electronic libraries: LILACS, PUbMed, MEDLINE, IBECS, ScIELO, UpToDate, BDEnf. Searches were carried out between December 2016 and July 2017. Inclusion criteria: studies with cancer patients aged over 18; published in the last ten years (2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016)(2017); available in full; written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Theses, essays, reviews (systematic, narrative, and integrative), opinion articles and editorials were excluded. Results: Eighteen articles were included, six of which were related to intervening factors, and 12 articles related to strategies adopted to address sexuality. Most articles show ed how diffi cult it is to address the topic in professional practice, from a communication point of view and also regarding interpersonal relationships between patients and health professionals, reaffi rming that the sexual health of patients is often overlooked. Studies that addressed the measures taken to remedy the shortcomings showed different degrees of positivity and that it is necessary to train professionals by means of guidance and counseling strategies. Intervention models can be found in the literature. Conclusion: Sexuality is overlooked in the care of cancer patients. Multidisciplinary care in oncology has to acknowledge this situation and implement, in a joint action, educational and psychosocial support activities so this basic human need is met.
ResumoObjetivo: Identifi car os fatores intervenientes para a abordagem da sexualidade, pelo paciente e profi ssional, e descrever as estratégias empenhadas para a abordagem da sexualidade no cuidado ao paciente com câncer. Métodos: Revisão integrativa de literatura, baseada em etapas sistemáticas, nas bases de dados e ou bibliotecas eletrônicas: LILACS, PUbMed, MEDLINE, IBECS, ScIELO, UpToDate, BDEnf. As buscas ocorreram entre dezembro de 2016 a julho de 2017. Criterios de inclusão: estudos com pacientes oncológicos, idade acima de 18 anos; publicados nos últimos dez anos (2007-2017); disponíveis na íntegra; nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês. Excluídos: teses, dissertações, revisões (sistemática, narrativa e integrativa), artigos de opinião e editoriais. Resultados: Incluídos 18 artigos, seis artigos referentes a fatores intervenientes e 12 artigos referentes a estratégias adotadas para abordagem da sexualidade. A maioria dos artigos evidenciou a difi culdade com a qual o tema é tratado na prática profi ssi...