Contextual effects abound in the real world; how we perceive an object depends on what surrounds it. A classic example of this is the tilt illusion (TI) whereby the presence of a surround shifts the perceived orientation of a target. Surprisingly, the magnitude and direction of this shift depend on the orientation difference between the target and surround: when their orientations are similar, the perceived difference is amplified and the target appears repelled in orientation from the surround (i.e., the TI). However, when their orientations are close to perpendicular, the difference is decreased and the target appears attracted in orientation toward the surround (i.e., the indirect TI). These misperceptions of orientation have revealed much about the underlying detectors involved in visual processing and how they interact with each other. What remains at stake are the levels of processing involved. To examine this, we designed a reverse-correlation technique whereby observers are blind to the orientation of the surround. We find that the TI and indirect TI occur reliably and over a similar time course, supporting the role of a single mechanism underlying orientation biases that operates in the early stages of visual processing before the conscious extraction of the surround orientation.visual illusions | classification images | awareness C ontextual effects arise when surrounding stimuli alter our perception of a target. Understanding how and when these illusions occur is critical for elucidating the mechanisms underlying visual processing. A common example is the tilt illusion (TI) whereby the perceived orientation of a target is repelled from the orientation of the surround when the angle between them is small (1-7). However, when the orientation difference between the target and surround is large (60°-80°), the perceived target orientation is attracted toward that of the surround, a phenomenon known as the indirect TI (8, 9). The indirect TI is smaller in magnitude and has been reported to differ in several fundamental ways from the TI (e.g., it is reduced by having a frame around the stimulus, it is immune to the addition of a gap between target and surround, and it is not dependent on spatial frequency) leading to the suggestion that it results from higherlevel feedback that reflects the operation of global processing and involves a separate mechanism to the one responsible for the TI (8-10).Early models account for the TI as a normalization process toward cardinal orientations (1), or as inhibitory lateral interactions between oriented neurons in early cortical areas (refs. 3, 4, 11, but see ref. 12), but many fail to address the indirect TI. More recent models account for the indirect TI but remain agnostic as to where it occurs and whether it involves a separate processing stream from the direct TI. Clifford et al. (13) present a model whereby responses from a population of neurons with tuning properties similar to those in early cortical areas are shifted and scaled in a manner that could arise from ...