Construction of a high energy resolution crystal X‐ray spectrometer to be used for wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray emission spectroscopy (WDXRS) may result in different geometrical aberrations, such as systematic X‐ray line shifts and changes of the X‐ray line shape. Most of these aberrations can be reduced by careful design of a crystal spectrometer, keeping the efficiency of the spectrometer as high as possible. The availability of high‐resolution position‐sensitive detectors and small excitation beam sizes, and therefore a possible downsized Wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray (WDX) spectrometer, increase the need for reliable simulation of aberrations involved in WDXRS. Since the experimental investigation of the impact that WDX spectrometer design has on a particular aberration is rather time‐consuming, a numerical X‐ray tracing procedure, XTRACE, has been developed and applied for this purpose. Results are given in the form of virtual X‐ray energy spectra that have been affected by the most important aberrations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.