The expression of path in three satellite-framed languages. A cognitive study of Polish, Russian, and English Cross-linguistic studies of the lexicalization of motion tend to contrast satellite-with verb-framed languages (e.g. . Even fewer studies contrast genetically related languages (but cf. e.g. Łozińska 2018). The main aim of this study was to establish the pathsaliency cline of three satellite-framed languages: Polish, Russian, and English. The analysis was based on elicited data. The overall patterns of expressing the path of motion in the three languages were shown to be caused by their belonging to the same typological category. The differences could be attributed, to a large extent, to differences in the morphological structures and in the lexical repertoires of motion-coding expressions available to the speakers of the three languages. However, the analysis of descriptions of three specific spatial situations (i.e. vertical, boundary-crossing, and deictic relations) pointed to other factors that may influence path coding in the three languages. Thus, despite the satellite-verb character of the languages examined and the morpho-syntactic differences between them, all our participants, who were native speakers of the three languages examined, tended to code vertical relations by means of path verbs. The number of tokens of path verbs used to code this particular spatial relation was found to be higher than the number of tokens of path verbs used to code deictic or boundary-crossing motion. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and criticisms, which helped improve the paper. Needless to say, we are responsible for any remaining shortcomings. Joanna Łozińska: The expression of path in three satellite-framed languages. A cognitive study of Polish, Russian, and English 20.1 (2019): 31-61
Path rendering in Polish, Russian and EnglishLanguages differ as far as the canonical segmentation of paths, and the ease of building complex paths -those involving several path segments -is concerned