Summary. Fertilizing ability of epididymal ram spermatozoa was determined after intra uterine insemination of 47 ewes ; the fertility profile obtained was similar to the one established on rodents and boar. The middle corpus has an essential role in the development of the motility and fertilizing capacity of epididymal spermatozoa.The fertilizing ability of epididymal spermatozoa and its endocrine control have been studied in rodents (Bedford, 1975 ; Orgebin-Crist, Danzo and Davies, 1975) ; fertilizing ability first appears in spermatozoa from the corpus epididymis. In the sow, pregnancies have been obtained after insemination of boar epididymal spermatozoa (Holtz and Smidt, 1976 ; Hunter, Smidt and Henfrey, 1976). Fertilizing ability in this species also first appeared in spermatozoa from the corpus epididymis. There is no data available on the development of fertilizing ability of ram spermatozoa during transit through the epididymis. It is known, however, that the permeability of the spermatozoon membrane is modified in the corpus (Ortavant, 1953). This maturation process might coincide with the appearance of fertilizing ability. We therefore undertook a physiological study of the maturation of ram epididymal spermatozoa by intrauterine insemination of ewes at induced ovulation during the breeding season.
Materials and methods.Ovulation was induced in forty-seven 2-3-year old nulliparous Ile-de-France ewes (Colas, 1975). 57 hours ± 1 after PMSG injection, they were inseminated into the uterine horn by laparotomy under fluothane anaesthesia. Epididymides from 6 adult Ile-de-France rams were subdivided into distal caput, middle and distal corpus and proximal and distal cauda. Sperm suspensions were prepared by maceration of epididymal tubules in a solution of skimmed milk (Colas, 1975) ; 200 !Ll of a suspension of epididymal spermatozoa (100 X 10 6 spz/ml) were introduced into both uterine horns at 1 cm from the uterotubal junction, and the ewes were inseminated. Spermatozoa from the distal caput show a light pendular movement of the tail, too slight to move the head of the cell. The amplitude of this movement sharply increased in spermatozoa from the middle corpus, giving the cells progressive motility. The percentage of motile spermatozoa progressively increased along the length of the epididymis : 1 in the distal caput, 5 in the middle corpus, 56 ! 9 in the distal corpus, 66 ! 5 in the proximal cauda and 83 + 4 in the distal cauda. The difference between the distal corpus and the distal cauda was significant (P < 0.02).The proportion of stained forms was elevated in the distal corpus (42 rL 5 p. 100) but decreased in the distal cauda (14 ! 3 p. 100). The number of abnormal spermatozoa (decapitated and distal droplets) was less than 5 p. 100.C. Fertilizing capacity of epididymal spermatozoa.1. The pregnancy test at day 18 showed that the fertilizing ability was zero for spermatozoa from the distal caput (0/8), very low for those from the middle corpus (1/8), higher for those from the distal corpus (7/8) a...