<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The presented study describes how to document in a dynamic way a complex and full of historical information architecture with a flexible system. Thanks to the collaboration between various professional figures and the integration of various digital systems, it has been possible to create an open documentary model able to satisfy the need to manage complex information.</p></p>Our case study is the Valbona gate, the main entrance of the city of Urbino. The project presents two different phases: a first study is characterised by the setting up of a Datawarehouse concerning state of conservation and restoration managed with a GIS system; the second part is focused on a new type of documentation, developed with an online software, CDR - Conservation Digital Report.</p><p>Thanks to the capacity of organising all data into a single Geodatabase system, the information relating to the conservation status and to deterioration, restoration interventions carried out.</p><p>The result is a geodatabase linked with conservative sheets expressly scheduled. In this way the documentation is completed by a system which allows a simple updating of information and its implementation, if necessary.</p>