Summary:The relationship of the osmotic pressure gra dient between blood and brain, and the development of ischemic brain edema was studied. Focal cerebral isch emia was produced by left middle cerebral artery occlu sion in rats. Brain osmolality was determined with a vapor pressure osmometer, brain water content by wet dry weight, and tissue sodium and potassium contents by flame photometry. Permeability of the BBB was tested by Evans blue. Measurements were made from the ischemic cortex within 14 days of occlusion. Brain osmolality in creased from 311 ± 2 to 329 ± 2 mOsm/kg by 6 h after occlusion. Serum osmolality did not change significantly. The osmotic gradient between blood and brain peaked at �26 mOsm/kg. Brain osmolality then decreased to 310 ± Water movement across the BBB into brain tissue presumably follows the Starling equation (Fenstermacher, 198 4;Rapoport, 1978 ). Many factors modify the edema process, but their contri butions to the formation and resolution of brain edema are poorly understood. These factors in clude cerebrovascular permeability, capillary hy draulic conductivity, hydrostatic and osmotic pres sure gradients, and tissue compliance and conduc tivity.Occlusion of a major end artery of the brain causes edema of varying degrees in and around the region supplied by that artery. Ischemic brain edema depends primarily on the duration and depth of ischemia (Astrup et aI., 198 1; Bell et aI., 198 5). In addition, hydraulic conductivity of capillary as well as hydrostatic and osmotic pressure gradients between blood and brain probably have an impor tant role in the ischemic edema process. We recently demonstrated that a hydrostatic pressure gradient across the capillary develops within minutes after the onset of ischemia and is the driving force for early accumulation of edema fluid (Hatashita and Hoff, 1986a,b). We also have shown that as the ischemic injury progresses, edema fluid accumulates in highly compliant brain parenchyma, then migrates through highly conduc tive tissue into the CSF spaces and is driven by a hydrostatic pressure gradient between the edema tous tissue and the CSF (Hatashita and Hoff, 198 8a). It remains unclear how osmotic pressure gradients across capillaries are associated with hy drostatic pressure gradients and hydraulic conduc tivity and how those gradients are influenced by the duration and degree of ischemia.The present experiment was designed to study whether an osmotic gradient across the capillary is associated with the development of ischemic brain edema and, if so, how the gradient is related to tissue electrolytes and permeability of the BBB. We attempted to clarify the relationship between brain tissue osmolality, brain edema, tissue sodium and potassium, and the integrity of the BBB in rats with focal cerebral ischemia.