z 7 galazies with red spitzer/IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] colors in the ≳ full CANDELS data set: the brightest-known galaxies at z 7-∼ 9 and a probable spectroscopic confirmation atz= 7.48Article (Published Version) http://sro.sussex.ac.uk Roberts-Borsani, G W, Bouwens, R J, Oesch, P A, Labbe, I, Smit, R, Illingworth, G D, van Dokkum, P, Holden, B, Gonzalez, V, Stefanon, M, Holwerda, B and Wilkins, S (2016) z 7 ≳ galazies with red spitzer/IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] colors in the full CANDELS data set: the brightestknown galaxies at z 7-9 and a probable spectroscopic confirmation atz= 7.48. Astrophysical
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