A series of courses in environmental education, specialized in sustainable agribusiness, was given in the framework of the «Geo-ergon Paideia» project (in Greek: Γεωργών Παιδεία – Γεωργών Παιδιά). «Geo-ergon Paideia» was a transnational exchange program which aimed at training school students of the secondary level of education in becoming future eco-farmers. The main purpose of this work was to implement a sustainable strategic partnership between European universities -research centers, municipalities and schools in order to reinforce the concept of agricultural education and sustainable development in rural areas through an integrated interdisciplinary approach. It was addressed to students attending the second class of lower secondary school (gymnasium), who live in the selected rural areas in Greece and Romania. Apart from the students, the participants of the project (around 200) include farmers, the parents of the students, local and governmental authorities, young entrepreneurs, academic professionals, and researchers and stakeholders. Project implementation included learning/teaching activities and multiplier events and has led to the production of intellectual outputs with open courses and entrepreneurship guide for teachers amongst others. The intellectual outputs produced by the project will be available to the wider public through the e-learning platform, managed by the University of Aegean. An open access policy will be maintained throughout the duration of the project and at least two years after the completion of the project.