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August 2009Hugo Benítez-Silva acknowledges the financial support of the National Institute on Aging through grant number 5 P01 AG022481-04 for a related project; and, along with Frank Heiland, thanks the Michigan Retirement Research Center for its support on a related project. Sergi Jiménez-Martín acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Education through project number SEJ2005-08783-C04-01. Any remaining errors are the authors'.The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper Collection presents research in progress by Levy Institute scholars and conference participants. The purpose of the series is to disseminate ideas to and elicit comments from academics and professionals.The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, founded in 1986, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, independently funded research organization devoted to public service. Through scholarship and economic research it generates viable, effective public policy responses to important economic problems that profoundly affect the quality of life in the United States and abroad. More importantly, we are the first to establish a strong correlation between accuracy and the economic conditions at the time of the property's purchase. While most individuals overestimate the value of their property, those who buy during more difficult economic times tend to be more accurate, in some cases even underestimating the value of their house. We find a surprisingly strong, likely permanent, and in many cases long-lived effect of the initial conditions surrounding the purchase of properties, and on how individuals value them. This cyclicality of the overestimation of house prices provides some explanation for the difficulties currently faced by many homeowners, who were expecting large appreciations in home value to rescue them in case of increases in interest rates, which could jeopardize their ability to live up to their financial commitments.