“…This table presents the regression results using the regression model: OCB=α+β_1 A+β_2 AU+β_3 S+β_4 P+β_5 R+β_6 CO+ℇ, where, OCB = Organizational citizenship behavior, A= Authority, AU= Autonomy, S = Salary, P = Promotion, R = Recognition, CO=Career opportunity, ℇ= error term, α= intercept, β1,β_2,β_3,β_(4 ), β5and β6are the beta coefficient of explanatory variables to be estimated. The positive and significant beta for authority indicates that it has a positive impact on organizational citizenship behaviors and this result is similar to the findings of Shaaban (2018). Similarly, the beta coefficients are positive and significant for autonomy with organizational citizenship behaviors which states autonomy has a positive impact on organizational citizenship behaviors and this finding is consistent to Morgeson et al (2005).…”