Resonant two-photon ionization, IR−UV hole-burning, and resonant ion-dip infrared (RIDIR) spectroscopies
have been employed along with density functional theory (DFT) calculations to assign and characterize the
hydrogen-bonded topologies and structures of eight benzene−(H2O)
, cluster isomers (hereafter
shortened to BW
) with n + m ≤ 4. The O−H stretch infrared fundamentals are used to determine the
H-bonding topology of the clusters. However, in several cases, the O−H stretch spectrum leaves an ambiguity
regarding the position of the methanols within the structure. In these cases, the methyl CH stretch region
serves as a secondary probe capable of distinguishing among the various possibilities. For n + m = 2, a
single BWM isomer is observed with OH stretch fundamentals at 3508, 3606, and 3718 cm-1. A comparison
of the methyl CH stretch transitions of BWM and BM2 reveals that the methanol in BWM accepts a H-bond
from water and forms a π H-bond with benzene. The n + m = 3 results show the subtle effects that solvent
composition can have on the lowest-energy structure of the cluster. Two isomers of BW2M are observed but
just one of BWM2. Both water-rich BW2M isomers possess transitions characteristic of cyclic W2M subclusters
in which water is π H-bonded to benzene. Each isomer shows a set of three single-donor OH stretch transitions,
a π H-bonded OH stretch near 3650 cm-1 and a free OH stretch (∼3716 cm-1). The two BW2M isomers
differ in the position of the methanol in the H-bonded cycles. Conversely, the methanol-rich BWM2 cluster
OH stretch transitions are those of a WM2
chain, with a signature π H-bonded OH stretch located at about
3590 cm-1. The methyl CH stretch absorptions are used to deduce that the water molecule in BWM2 is in the
donor position in the chain, furthest from benzene's π cloud. Finally, the spectra for the n + m = 4 series
show systematic changes in the spectrum with changing methanol content in the cluster. In all cases, both
OH stretch and CH stretch transitions point firmly to cyclic W
subclusters in which one of the free OH
groups on a water molecule in the cycle is used to π H-bond to benzene.