The effect of Cl − on Pt dissolution under both potentiostatic and potential cycling conditions is reported, using a channel-flow multielectrode (CFME) as an in situ detection method. To avoid the contamination of the entire CFME system by Cl − , a liquid-phase chloride ion gun is placed upstream of the double electrode. Under potentiostatic conditions, Cl − enhances Pt dissolution by forming PtCl 4 2− at potentials below 1.0 V and PtCl 6 2− above 1.2 V. Under potential cycling conditions, Cl − accelerates Pt dissolution above 1.2 V by the enhanced formation of both PtCl 6 2− and PtCl 4 2− . The cathodic dissolution of Pt 2+ during PtO 2 reduction is also increased in the presence of Cl − . A mechanism for the effect of Cl − on Pt dissolution is proposed.Chloride (Cl − ) is a major fuel cell contaminant 1 that can be introduced into the cell through airborne salts. Moreover, the Pt-based catalysts may also contain a trace of Cl − that is not completely removed after synthesis using chloride-containing precursors. 2 The Cl − impurity is detrimental to the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). [3][4][5] The presence of Cl − enhances platinum (Pt) dissolution, 6-8 which accelerates the degradation of the Pt/C catalyst. 9-11 In spite of significant evidence of this effect, 6-8 the mechanism remains unclear, especially in the potential region in which PEMFC cathodes operate (<1.0 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode, SHE). Therefore, investigating the effect of Cl − on Pt dissolution is important for the development of PEMFCs.Recent data on the effect of Cl − on Pt dissolution were primarily obtained from electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) measurements. 6-8 Lam et al. reported a dramatic loss of ECA under cyclic voltammetry (CV) conditions in presence of 1000 mg/L Cl − . 6 Yadav et al. reported significant mass loss due to Pt dissolution above 1.2 V in a CV anodic scan in the presence of 100 mg/L Cl − . 7 Below 1.2 V, the adsorption of oxygen (O) and Pt-O formation on the Pt surface resulted in a continuous mass increase; mass loss caused by Pt dissolution could not be distinguished. Under potentiostatic conditions at 1.2 V, Ofstad et al. reported enhanced Pt loss in presence of 10 mg/L Cl − over a 24-hour period. 8 The Pt loss increased with increasing Cl − concentration. Mitsushima et al. also reported increased Pt/PtO solubility in 1.0 M H 2 SO 4 in the presence of Cl − . 12 Recently, Pavlišič et al reported that Pt dissolution was enhanced by Cl − in both anodic and cathodic scans, 13 using a electrochemical flow cell. 14,15 Dissolution of Pt were quantified by in-situ ICP-MS measurement. Their findings suggested that the dissolution mechanism changes in chloride electrolyte. To investigate the mechanism of Pt dissolution in presence of Cl − , knowledge of the valences of the dissolved species would be instrumental, as stated by Xing et al. 16 In a previous study, 17 we established an in situ electrochemical system based on a channel-flow double electrode (CFDE) and elucidated t...