The aim of this research is to test and explain the correlation between financial literacy and saving. The scope of financial literacy includes knowledge about the benefits of financial planning, knowledge about the risks of not carrying out financial planning, knowledge about how to prepare financial reports, knowledge about interest in saving and knowledge about interest in borrowing. Meanwhile, the scope of saving includes conformity to economic principles, conformity to sharia principles, varied savings products, recommendations from friends and recommendations from family. This research uses a quantitative approach with associative methods. With a population and research sample of 110 postgraduate student respondents at Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung (UIN SATU Tulungagung), the results showed that there was a strong correlation between financial literacy variables and saving. The results of this research are significant so that it is practically recommended for stakeholders to improve both quantity and quality in relation to financial literacy and saving, and can be implemented in household and corporate family environments.