The local environment of the essential sulfhydryl groups in chicken liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase has been investigated by ESR techniques using a series of iodoacetamide spin labels, varying in chain length between the iodoacetate and nitroxide free radical group. The ESR spectrum of spin-labeled chicken liver fructose-l ,6-bisphosphatase showed that the sites of labeling were highly immobilized when the enzyme was chemically modified by spin label iodoacetate, suggesting that the sulfhydryl groups of the protein are in a small, confined environment. From the change in the ESR spectra of these nitroxides as a function of chain length, we conclude that the sulfhydryl group is located in a cleft approx. 10.5 A in depth.
Spin label ESR Essential suljhydryl group Chicken liverFructose-I,&bisphosphatase