The present study determined the effect of organically quaternizing either ofthe two tertiary nitrogen sites of nicotine to assess the in vivo effects of the permanently ionized states of the synthesized N-[14C]methylnicotines on brain uptake in rat after intracarotid i jection. Male SpragueDawley rats were used to measure the brain uptake index (BUI) by single-pass clearance in brain after rapid in'ection at pH 7.4 into the left common carotid artery (expressed as a percentage) relative to simultaneously injected 3HOH. The BUI 6f ["4CImannitol, a control for the method background, was measured to be 2.6 + 0.6. At physiological pH, in striking contrast to the [pyrroldine-2-14C]nicotine BUI of 120 ±s3, the N-["4C]-methylnicotines had a BUI of 3.0 ± 0.6, which was not significantly different from the method background and which indicated abolition of blood-brain barrier penetration of nicotine with the sensitivity of the BUI method.Many alkaloids contain nitrogen(s) that exist in a positively charged form at physiological pH. Many of these substances are also known to have considerable brain uptake (1). In a study of [pyrrolidine-2-"4C]nicotine at various pH values from 4.7 to 10.4, the brain uptake index (BUI), values varied from 49 ± 10 to 127 ± 5, according to the fraction of neutral (uncharged) nicotine molecules available for blood-brain barrier (BBB) penetration (2). The present study was undertaken to determine iforganic quaternization ofeither nitrogen or nicotine would reduce the fraction of neutral nicotine and its penetration ofthe BBB at physiological pH 7.4 by the BUI method.Prior reports have reviewed theoretical or experimental factors that influence nicotine activity, quaternary nicotine ions, and uncharged molecules at physiological pH values (3)(4)(5)(6)(7). Pharmacological studies have found that the effects of N-methylnicotines were apparently confined to the peripheral nervous system (8-14). Many biological studies have suggested, based upon the occurrence of peripheral effects without central effects, that N-methylnicotines did not penetrate the BBB (15-19). Studies of nicotine metabolites in a number of species have shown the presence of N-methylnicotines (20-23).In the present study nicotine was methylated with [14C]-methyl iodide to synthesize two quaternized and therefore permanently charged cationic derivatives. These quaternized derivatives were nicotine isomethiodide (NIM), in which the pyridine nitrogen was methylated, and nicotine monomethiodide (NMI) in which the pyrrolidine nitrogen was methylated. High-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedures were developed to assay these derivatives; product structure was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec- MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. Studies were performed with 250-to 300-g adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan-Sprague-Dawley) that were housed in a temperature/humidity/light-controlled (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) animal room with free access to food and water until the morning of the experiment. Burdick and Jac...