Empowerment of Human Resources (HR) is directed to increase HR participation in organizations and increase productivity. The results of various studies show that HR is a determinant of productivity. HR in the field of education can be grouped into three groups, namely the principal, teachers, and TAS. School competitiveness is also determined by the human resources it has. This research was conducted in a pesantren-based Junior High School (SMP) in East Java. The schools which are the research sites are: (1) SMP Insan Terpadu Probolinggo; (2) SMP Assa'adah Gresik; dan (3) SMP An Nur Bululawang Malang. This research refers to the Model of Empowerment of Islamic Boarding School-Based Human Resources Empowerment with Soft System Methodology Approach that has been designed. Researchers take quantitative measurements of the variables that impact the existence of the model. The variables measured were six variables, namely: learning leadership, change leadership, spiritual leadership, school culture, professional ethics, and teacher teaching performance. The method to be used is quantitative research. Measurement of the six variables is using a questionnaire instrument. The analysis that will be used is descriptive and regression analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of learning leadership, change leadership, spiritual leadership, school culture, and professional ethics on the teaching performance of pesantren-based junior high schools in East Java.