This paper presents a methodology for generating geometries for interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors in electric vehicles (EVs) through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and image processing (IP) techniques. Due to the implementation of green agreements and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, EVs have become popularity. As a consequence, the improvement studies on the powertrain and battery system of EVs are focused. Especially for the powertrain, design optimization studies of e-motor have increased in the literature. One of the most widely used e-motor topologies is interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor. However, designing the IPM motor presents a challenge due to the dynamic considerations with geometric constraints. Therefore, e-motor designers encounter challenges related to determining initial geometry and the long time of the optimization process. To address these challenges, a novel approach is proposed that leverages machine learning (ML) techniques in combination with IP to generate initial geometries and design parameters for IPM motors. The proposed approach generates images of the motor geometry and extract dimensional features from the resulting images by using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The proposed method performs an analysis of the input vectors to reduce their size using techniques such as Histogram, 2D Maximum, 2D Mean, 2D Minimum, 2D Standard Deviation, and 2D Variance to enhance feature extraction. Additionally, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transform) are used to improve the neural network process in generating the image geometry. Further, the generated image geometry is improved by applying digital filtering techniques such as Log, FFT, Log+FFT, Laplacian, Sobel, and Histogram Equalization. Finally, the trained ANNs are tested to validate the results by using Ansys RMXprt and Maxwell. Eventually, the proposed method represents an innovative solution to generating initial geometries for IPM motors in EVs that satisfies desired design requirements. This approach leverages the power of AI and image processing techniques, which could lead to significant improvements in the optimization process for IPM motors, accelerate the designer's analysis process, and enhance the performance of EVs.INDEX TERMS Artificial neural network, feature extraction, image generation, interior permanent magnet motor, machine learning, 2D filter.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Mostafa M. Fouda .