investigation of Date Palm pollen revealed the presence of sterols, triterpenes, saponins, proteins, carbohydrates andlor glycosides and absence of volatile substances. From the U.S.M., B-amyrin, 8-sitosterol and a third crystalline substance were isolated. Four flavonoids were detected by TLC; two.of them were identified as rutin and quercetin. A steroidal saponin glycoside was isolated, having glucose and rhamnose as sugar moiety. A glucoprotein was isolated and proved biologically to have a gonadotrophic activity. TLC analysisprovedpresence of oesterone: Introdtrction Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.; Palmae) is widely growing in Egypt and the pollen grains have been held for generations to be nutritive and therapeutic as an antisterility agent. ABOU EL-WAFA [I] reported the presence of a non-crystalline oestrogenic substance in the ether extract of-Date pollen; besides rutin, a saponin-like substance and sucrose. EL-RIDI [2] isolated, in a crude state, a gonadotrophicallyactive substance from the pollen, which was found to be toxic when injected into rats. B E N E~E [3] isolated oesterone and cholesterol from Date Palm pollen in U.S.A. FODA [4] reported the presence of a growth hormone in the alcohol extract of Date Palm pollen. In view of the significance of pollen grains a t the present time, we decided to reinvestigate its constituents applying some recent methods of identification, isolation and analysis. Materials The air-dried pollen grains of Date palm were collected during March and April 1972, 1973 and 1974 from Date palms growing in the Delta region of Egypt, mainly from Sharkia Province and immediately used after collection.