Vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration and proliferation contribute to the pathobiology of atherosclerosis and of instent restenosis, transplant vasculopathy and vein by-pass graft failure. Since mevalonate (MVA) and other intermediates of cholesterol biosynthesis (isoprenoids) are necessary for cell migration and proliferation, inhibition of 3-methyl-3-glutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, the rate limiting step of the MVA pathway, has the potential to result in antiatherosclerotic effects. Indeed statins, competitive inhibitors of the HMG-CoA reductase, have shown the capability to interfere with migration and proliferation of SMC in diverse experimental models. Here we summarize in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo evidence of the inhibitory effects of statins on SMC proliferation and migration and discuss the molecular mechanisms involved in their pharmacodynamic action. Altogether, this evidence suggests direct vascular antiatherosclerotic properties of statins. However, it is important to mention that statins failed to prevent intimal thickening when studied in clinical setting characterized by accelerated vascular SMC proliferation and migration (e.g. restenosis after PTCA and instent restenosis), thus leaving open the question of the clinical relevance of these direct vascular effects of statins.
ROLE OF SMOOTH MUSCLE CELL IN ATHEROGENESISWith the increasing knowledge on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, it appears that the prevention of cardiovascular disease will involve not only risk factor correction, but also direct pharmacological control of processes occurring in the arterial wall [1-3].Smooth muscle cells (SMC) represent the predominant population in the arterial medial layer and play a pivotal role in the maintenance of the functional and structural integrity of the artery, thanks to their contractility and synthesis of extracellular vascular matrix [4]. Together with platelets, monocytes and endothelial cells, SMC are also strongly involved in atherosclerotic lesion formation. SMC exist in two main phenotypes: synthetic and contractile [5]. The latter phenotype is characterized by a high expression of genes encoding for proteins involved in the maintenance of structure and function of myofilaments: cells in this situation are strongly differentiated, quiescent and respond to stimuli like vasoconstrictors and vasodilators as endothelins, catecholamines, prostacyclin, neuropeptides, leukotrienes and nitric oxide, while are silent towards mitogens [6]. On the other hand, when in synthetic phenotype, SMC increase the expression of genes encoding for growth factors, cytokines and their receptors, while reduce the expression of -actin [2]; these cells are immature, dedifferentiated but are able to accumulate lipids, becoming foam cells, to secrete both extracellular matrix and metalloproteinases, which degrade the matrix itself [2]. Functional differences are paralleled by morphological ones: SMC with contractile phenotype have a "spindle-like" shape and their cytoplasm is enriched in many myofil...