Methyl methacrylate, labeled with 14C on the ester methyl group, was prepared by the ester interchange method of Blackley and Mel~il1e.I~ A small highly active sample of 14C-labeled methanol, containing 500 pc., was obtained from the Radio-Chemical Centre, Amersham, in a Pyrex "breakseal" tube. This was diluted to 10 ml. (sufficient for the preparation of both active l4C-methyl methacrylate and l4C-methyl acrylate) with dry, degassed methanol on a high vacuum line. Here, 5.2 ml. of this 14Cmethanol was used to prepare 45 ml. of l4C-methyl methacrylate, which would have a specific activity of about 4.8 pc./g. if equilibrium was assumed to have been reached in the ester-interchange reaction.Polymerization of the pure monomers was carried out in Pyrex dilatometers of about 40 ml. capacity after thorough degassing under high vacuum, and the rates were followed to ensure that they were normal. Suit-
Activity MeasurementsRadioactive assay of 14Glabeled polymers was carried out by Dr. J. C .
Bevington by the gas-counting technique development by Bevington et al. 3 1Repeat activity measurements were made by dilution of the carbon dioxide from duplicate combustions of each polymer sample.