Like any particular year, 2011 proved one that provided engaged anthropologists with many issues with which to grapple. These included the aftereffects of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Wikileaks, the "Arab spring", and the Occupy movement. In this review article of engaged anthropology, I highlight the work of anthropologists as manifested in (1) published books and articles and (2) presentations at selected conferences and public events, some of which touch upon the above mentioned events as well as others that occurred in 2011. My essay focuses on the following themes: (1) corporate globalization, power, and inequalities in the world system;(2) global health; (3) climate change; (4) disasters; and (5) indigenity and indigenous rights in Australasia. I end my essay by revisiting the notion of "public anthropology" and juxtaposing this to what I view the much broader notion of "engaged anthropology." [engaged anthropology, public anthropology, 2011]