The mechanical stress change of VO film substrate combinations during their reversible phase transformation makes them promising for applications in micro/nanoactuators. VW O thin film libraries were fabricated by reactive combinatorial cosputtering to investigate the effects of the addition of W on mechanical and other transformation properties. High-throughput characterization methods were used to systematically determine the composition spread, crystalline structure, surface topography, as well as the temperature-dependent phase transformation properties, that is, the hysteresis curves of the resistance and stress change. The study indicates that as x in VW O increases from 0.007 to 0.044 the crystalline structure gradually shifts from the VO (M) phase to the VO (R) phase. The transformation temperature decreases by 15 K/at. % and the resistance change is reduced to 1 order of magnitude, accompanied by a wider transition range and a narrower hysteresis with a minimal value of 1.8 K. A VW O library deposited on a SiN/SiO-coated Si cantilever array wafer was used to study simultaneously the temperature-dependent stress change σ( T) of films with different W content through the phase transformation. Compared with σ( T) of ∼700 MPa of a VO film, σ( T) in VW O films decreases to ∼250 MPa. Meanwhile, σ( T) becomes less abrupt and occurs over a wider temperature range with decreased transformation temperatures.