The paper considers the provision of vegetables to the population, sown areas in the Russian Federation occupied under carrots, the volume and production of canteen carrots. However, the product range is quite narrow, 2/3 of gross production is provided by 5-6 crops of more than 100 cultivated varieties. Sanctions gave us the opportunity to replace the imported product with a domestic one, and we should take advantage of this. The production of new varieties and hybrids in vegetable production is of great national economic importance as it allows not only increasing the yield and its quality, but also significantly reducing the cost of vegetables due to the large output of marketable products and reduction of the cost for combating diseases. In Russia, both the state research institute is most productively engaged in the selection and seed production of canteen carrots -Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production and private companies -Poisk Agroholding, LLC Plant Selection Station named after N.N. Timofeev, etc. The Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production has a whole range of carrot hybrids that meet the modern requirements of commercial production: F 1 Altair, F 1 Tavrida, F 1 Krasnogorie, Korsar. The average Russian yield of canteen carrots in 2017 was 41.1 tons/ha. The maximum yield was obtained in the North Caucasus district -64.5 tons/ha. Thus, it is possible to increase the capacity of the commodity market by creating new domestic varieties and hybrids of canteen carrots with a relatively high yield and high marketable surplus thereby restoring domestic production.