The purpose of the article is to research the influence of English lessons and students’ scientific conferences on the formation of the research skills of university students.Materials and methods: The second-year students of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan Federal University took part in the study. In the process of study, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature; the study and synthesis of advanced educational experience; pedagogical observations of the process of foreign language education at the university, interviews, and questionnaires.Results of the research: There were identified the key research skills for university students. The initial and final level of the formation of the research skills during the academic year was measured. The results show that the lessons of the foreign language (English) along with the participation in student’s conference influence effectively on the research skills formation.
Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students.
Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Formation of the research skills of students during studying the foreign language (English) at the university is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner.