SummaryThe rate constants for 3-substituted adamantyl p-toluenesulfonates 3a-3k in ethanol/water 80 : 20 correlate well with the respective inductive substituent constants up. The reaction constant p for the toluenesulfonates 3 is 10% larger than for the corresponding bromides 2, indicating somewhat more charge separation in the activation of the toluenesulfonates. Evidence is presented that stabilization of the resultant 1-adamantyl cations by induction involves graded 1,3 -bridging, which is favored when the substituent is an electrofugal group, and that stabilization by n-electron donors involves C, C-hyperconjugation. Rate ratios for the toluenesulfonates 3 and the bromides 1 exceed lo3 and are almost independent of the 3-substituents. The implications of this are discussed in the light of current hypotheses.Introduction. -As shown in recent studies [ 1-51 reaction constants p, as derived