Brachial approach isgaining importance in cardiac catheterisation because of early ambulation and discharge. Accurate knowledge of this major artery of the arm in relation to its course and particularly of their variation of branching pattern is of considerable practical importance. To study the brachial artery and its branching pattern40 upper limb specimens from 20 adult cadavers were utilized. In 5% cases brachial artery bifurcated above the intercondylar line, in 90% cases below the intercondylar line and in 5% at intercondylar line.Superficial brachial artery was present in2 cases (5%).Profundabrachii artery arose fromthe posterior circumflex humeral artery in2.5%, as abranchfrom III part of the axillary artery in 2.5% and along with Superior ulnar collateral artery as a common trunk in 5%. Profunda brachii arose as 2 separate branches in 2.5%.Superior ulnar collateral artery was arising as a common trunk with profounda brachial artery in5%, as a branch of profunda brachii in 5%. High origin of ulnar artery was observed in 5% of limbs. 5% specimens showed high origin of radial artery.