The behavior of Ti (N) complex with Beryllon 111, Ti ( W ) A, at a mercurv electrode has been investigated in acetate buffer (HOAc/NaOAc). The adsorption phenomena were observed by linear-sweep voltammetry. The mechanism of the electrode reaction was found to be the irreversible reduction of Beryllon I11 in the complex adsorbed on the surface of the electrode. In 0.005 mol/L HOAc + 0.1 mol/L NaOAc and 5 X lo--mol/L Beryllon 111, the linear range of the linear-sweep adsorption voltammetry is 5 X lo-'' to 1 X mol/L, the detection limit of the method is 2.5 X lo-'' mol/L for a preconcentration time of 120 seconds. This method has been applied to samples of human hair.KEY WORDS: Adsorption voltammetry, Titanium, Stripping analysis, Human hair
IWRODUCTIONTitanium can be determined by polarography or voltammetT in acidic solutions or in solutions containing complexing agents such as tartrate, citrate, oxalate dodecylamine [ 41, EDTA [6,7], cupferron [S-lo], mandelic acid [11,12], and solochrome violet RS [13]. The lirnirs of detection of these methods were 5 X lo-* mol/L for dc polarography [ 5 ] , [7] to 1 X 10-B mol/L [6] for catalytic differsorption voltammetry, the limit of detection can reach 3 X lo-'' mol/L for t, = 600 seconds. The adsorption voltammetry previously mentioned was used for determining trace titanium in water (12,131 and in steel [lo].In this article, a new sensitive linear-sweep adsorption voltammetry at an HMDE in the presence of Beryllon I11 for the determination of titanium in human hair is described. The limit of detection is as low as 2.5 X lo-'' mol/L (t, = 120 seconds). The detection limit is lower than that using the linear scan mode for the same preconcentration time reported before [ 10,131. Although the detection limit of the present method is close to that of differential pulse adsorption voltammetry for 120 seconds [12], the time of determination for a scan is much shorter (about 1 second). Such behavior is elucidated subsequently.
ApparatusA voltammetric analyzer (Model 79-1, Jinan Fourth Radio Factory, China) coupled with an X-Y recorder (Model 3086-11 Yokogawa Hokushiu Electric Co. Japan) was used in connection with a cell, using potentiostatic control of 'To whom correspondence should be addressed.