This research is motivated by the phenomenon of gender discrimination experienced by women leaders who were targeted male sex object. This novel depicts a strong female figure, brave commanding and so on. However, women are still the object of violence by men. This study aimed to describe gender discrimination in Novel Biru Creation Fira Basukiin the form of marginalization, stereotypes, and violence. The research is a qualitative descriptive method. Sources of data in this study are novel Biru Creation Fira Basukiwhich consists of 340 pages. The results of this study indicate that gender discrimination in the novel Biru 17 data consists of marginalization, stereotypes, and violence. It can be deciphered. First, the form of marginalization of gender discrimination found as many as two data. This is reflected in the characters Gloria are marginalized by their parents so exiled from his family. Second, gender discrimination in the form of stereotypes found as many as eight data. This is illustrated in the figure as the Singapore women SPG (Sarong Party Girl) who likes to hook Caucasians and marry her. Third, gender discrimination violent form found as many as seven data. This is reflected in the characters Gloria getting physical violence on her body that is raped by four men on the way to his house.