The crystal structure of tris(cyclopentadienyl)indium(III), InOCsHs^, has been determined at -100°u sing X-ray counter data. The compound is orthorhombic with space group P2,2,2,; the cell dimensions are a = 9.616 (1) Á, b = 9.702 (1) Á, c = 13.407 (2) A, dm = 1.6 (1) g/cm8, and Z = 4. The structure was solved using the Patterson function and refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques to give a value of R = 0.036 and wR = 0.039 for the 1587 observed reflections. The structure consists of infinite polymeric chains with each chain unit comprised of an indium atom linked to two terminal and two bridging cyclopentadienyl groups. These cyclopentadienyl groups give rise to a slightly distorted In-C, tetrahedral environment around the indium atom. Each bridging group is shared between two indium atoms related by a twofold screw axis along b. The indium-carbon bond lengths are 2.24 (1) Á for the terminal groups and 2.37 (1) and 2.47 (1) Á for the two contacts with the bridging groups. * y z U In 0.13432(5) 0.17170(5) 0.21570(4)** Ci (a) -0.0577 (8) 0.3252 (10) 0.2097 (8) ** C2(a) 0.0259 (9) 0.4372 (9) 0.2305(8) ** C3(a) 0.0122 (10) 0.4732 (9) 0.3308(7) ** C4(a) -0.0815(12) 0.3788(10) 0.3745(8) ** Ce(a) -0.1265(11) 0.2915(8) 0.3022 (10) ** Ci(b) 0.2659(9) 0.1958(9) 0.0787 (7) ** C2(b) 0.1649 (11) 0.2258 (10) 0.0062 (7) ** C3(b) 0.1677 (10) 0.3620 (11) -0.0119 (6) ** C4(b) 0.2741 (10) 0.4223 (10) 0.0461 (7) ** C5(b) 0.3356 (8) 0.3224(12) 0.0992 (6) ** Ci(c) 0.2398(10) 0.1412 (11) 0.3628 (7) ** C2(c) 0.3441(11) 0.0498 (8) 0.3265(8) ** C3(c) 0.4646 (11) 0.1231 (11) 0.3144(8) ** C4(c) 0.4419 (11) 0.2597(11) 0.3467 (10) ** C=(c) 0.3093 (12) 0.2703 (11) 0.3757(9) ** Notes Contribution from the Department of Chemistry,