Dental prosthetics with dental implants is the most modern method of treating patients with adentia. The advantage of this method is that it avoids the preparation of teeth located near the defect area, which means that the load on the existing teeth is within the physiological norm, preventing their premature loss. In clinical practice, when planning and implementing dental implants, the most common problem is bone atrophy in the area of surgery.
According to statistical data, in the post-extraction area, the width of the alveolar part of the jaw decreases by an average of 50% of the original volume during the first year. The degree of atrophy varies depending on the location of the defect, the intensity of metabolic processes, individual characteristics of the body, the initial characteristics of the bone and inflammatory and destructive changes that often precede tooth extraction. In cases of significant atrophy, additional surgical procedures are required to increase the volume of bone tissue in order to create conditions for dental implantation.Using the scientific search method of research, the data from literature sources on modern methods of bone augmentation (open and closed sinus lift) were processed, and the possibility of improving the closed sinus lift was analysed.In the presence of significant bone atrophy in the intervention area, which occurs in most clinical cases, the open sinus lift technique is preferred despite certain difficulties in its application. In this regard, it is advisable to expand the indications for closed sinus lift by considering the individual clinical characteristics of the surgical intervention area, minimising the risk of xenograft infection, reducing the rehabilitation period and financial burden on the patient.Based on the analysed scientific publications, the socio-medical significance and ways of implementing the improvement of closed sinus lift to expand its indications are determined.