Many studies assume that the professionality of teachers is influenced by his personality. Personality is a psychological characteristic that contributes to learning outcomes and academic achievement. However, research that proves this assumption is limited in the domain of Christian teachers as part of teachers in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the correlation between teachers' personality and professionality obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The analysis was carried out on 16 Christian teachers participated who were attending the Postgraduate Program in "Educational Professional Development" instruction. The results of the correlation test using the SPSS Version 21 program showed that Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.042 <0.05. It concluded that there is a positive correlation between the personality and professionality of Christian teachers. Qualitative analysis is discovered that the teachers' personality is in the criteria of good and very good, as well as their professionality. The lowest percentage of personality is on the positive self-concept indicator (62.9%) with good criteria, whereas professionality is on the self-confidence indicator (64.5%) with good criteria. The results of interviews as the self-assessment be discovered that Christian teachers with high performance are 18.75%; the adjusted teachers are 43.75%; the teachers hopeless are 43.75%, and not giving answering by 25%. It was concluded that assumptions about teachers' personality and professionality have a proven correlation for Christian teachers participated. Therefore, to improve professionality as an Indonesian teachers' competence, it has to develop the personality of Christian teachers sustainable. The personality of the Christian teachers is an entity of Christ's character and professionality is the existence of ability, attitude, and skills based on common sense. The researcher argue that toward an superior Indonesia is marked by teachers who excel in professionality and personality.
ABSTRAKBanyak penelitian yang mengasumsikan bahwa profesionalitas guru dipengaruhi oleh personalitas dirinya. Personalitas merupakan karakteristik psikologis yang berkontribusi dalam capaian pembelajaran dan prestasi akademik. Namun, penelitian yang membuktikan asumsi ini terbatas dalam ranah guru Kristen sebagai bagian dari guru di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis korelasi personalitas dengan profesionalitas guru yang diperoleh melalui angket dan wawancara. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 16 guru Kristen sebagai responden yang sedang mengikuti Program Pascasarjana pada perkuliahan "Pengembangan Profesi Pendidikan." Hasil uji korelasi dengan menggunakan Program SPSS Versi 21 menunjukkan bahwa Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,042 < 0,05 sehingga disimpulkan ada korelasi positif personalitas dengan profesionalitas. Analisis kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa personalitas guru berada pada kriteria baik dan sangat baik, sebagaimana profesionalistasnya juga. Persentase personalitas terendah berada pada indikator konsep diri positif (62,9%) dengan kri...