Background: In East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, the concept of Public Value seems to have been considered even though it is not yet optimal, due to low transparency and accountability, and basic infrastructure that has not been fully fulfilled. To overcome this challenge, cooperation between government, society and the private sector is needed to improve infrastructure, increase participation and develop human resources, so that public services can be more in line with the principles of Public Value.
Theoretical Foundation: Public value is reflected in society's evaluation of organizations, services, and programs, based on strategic principles such as Mark Moore's Strategy Trilogy. The public management and policy perspective emphasizes the effectiveness and efficiency of public services. Public sector managers must maintain a balance between service, benefits and trust to create optimal public value. Political, procedural and balance dimensions with the external environment are also important in shaping public values. The concept of public value includes strategic, political and operational aspects, takes into account the needs and aspirations of society and requires a deep understanding of the relationship between inputs, production processes, outputs, clients and desired social outcomes.
Method: This research uses a qualitative phenomenological approach to understand the public's experience of public value -based governance in the East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency Government. Data was obtained through interviews, observation and documentation, with analysis using the Miles and Huberman method.
Research Results: Even though East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency has adopted the Public Value concept in its governance, research highlights limitations that hinder its optimal implementation. Community participation is recognized as key to relevant policies, but the main challenge is a lack of transparency and accountability. Increasing public participation, transparency, accountability and governance is essential in realizing Public Value effectively. Further steps are needed to ensure policies reflect community needs and improve the quality of public services, supporting community progress and prosperity.
Research Implications: Research findings provide valuable insights for refining the Public Value theory proposed by (O'Flynn, 2007) . It was found that the dimensions of legitimacy and support, operational capability, and substantial value alone were not enough to create Public Value in the research location. Therefore, there needs to be dimensions of participation, transparency and accountability to create Public Value.
Research Originality: Public Value creation does not only depend on dimensions such as legitimacy, support, operational capabilities, and substantial value. Additional factors are also needed such as participation, transparency and accountability so that the creation of Public Value can be optimal.