As part of a project with SEMATECH, detailed chemical reaction mechanisms have been developed that describe the gas-phase and surface chemistry occurring during the fluorocarbon plasma etching of silicon dioxide and related materials. The fluorocarbons examined are C 2 F 6 , CHF 3 and C 4 F 8 , while the materials studied are silicon dioxide, silicon, photoresist, and silicabased low-k dielectrics. These systems were examined at different levels, ranging from in-depth treatment of C 2 F 6 plasma etch of oxide, to a fairly cursory examination of C 4 F 8 etch of the low-k dielectric. Simulations using these reaction mechanisms and AURORA, a zero-dimensional model, compare favorably with etch rates measured in three different experimental reactors, plus extensive diagnostic absolute density measurements of electron and negative ions, relative density measurements of CF, CF 2 , SiF and SiF 2 radicals, ion current densities, and mass spectrometric measurements of relative ion densities.
AcknowledgmentsWe thank Drs.