A novel type of encephalopathy associated with the ingestion of Sugihiratake mushroom (Pleurocybella porrigens) occurred in patients with chronic renal failure treated on hemodialysis in fall, 2004 in Japan. To clarify the mechanism of encephalopathy onset, we, for the first time, purified the cyanogen glycoside fraction (CG) from Sugihiratake mushroom using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography and hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Furthermore, we investigated single dose toxicity of the CG in an adenine-induced rat model of chronic renal damage (CRD). Pathological examination of kidneys indicates the development of CRD. Oral administration of the CG induces the accumulation of thiocyanate in the hemolyzed blood and brain in CRD rats, although no morphological changes were found in the brain. No further enhancement of kidney damage is observed after the oral administration of the CG in CRD rats. This is the first experimental report to suggest that acute encephalopathy, induced by Sugihiratake mushroom intake in the patients with chronic renal failure, is associated with intoxication of cyanide and thiocyanate, presumably produced metabolically produced after the ingestion of Sugihiratake mushroom.