Introduction. At present, lymphadenopathy – as a cause of idiopathic intestinal intussusception in little children - comes to the fore. However, intestinal intussusception in case of destructive mesenteric lymphadenitis in combination with lymphoid hyperplasia of the ileocecal angle ( what does not exclude lymphoma intraoperatively) is extremely rare in clinical practice.Purpose. To present a therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm in intestinal intussusception which was caused by the “volumetric“ abdominal lymphadenopathy.Case Report. A 3-year-old boy was admitted by the ambulance with recurrent abdominal pain, single episode of vomiting and no stool for 4 days. The ultrasound examination revealed intermittent ileocecal intussusception. The risk factor which had triggered the disease was an acute respiratory viral infection complicated with purulent mesenteric lymphadenitis and lymphoid hyperplasia with ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane in the ileocecal junction. Laparoscopic desinvagination with lymph node removal and colonoscopy with ladder biopsy were performed. A differential diagnostics of nonspecific lymphadenopathy, Burkitt’s lymphoma and Crohn’s disease was made. Immunohistological examination intraoperatively was made; examination of the biopsy material excluded tumor and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The inflammatory process regressed under conservative therapy (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmolytic) ; there were no any recurrent intussusception episodes within one-year follow-up.Conclusion. Successive ultrasound, laparoscopic and colonoscopic examinations followed by the immunohistological analysis of intraoperative and biopsy material allowed to put a correct diagnosis and, thereby, to minimize surgical aggression in ileocecal intussusception which was accompanied by volumetric lymphadenopathy.