“…With a sentence antecedent, on the other hand, as in (4b), det must have at least a word accent, here marked with IJ . 10 This slight difference in stress does not signal contrast, but it correlates very well with what is noted in Gundel et al (1999), namely that the choice between it and that in English corresponds in Norwegian to, on the one hand, a de-accented pronoun (ACTVN value 0) and, on the other, a slightly more accented one (ACTVN value 1). Andréasson (2008Andréasson ( , 2009Andréasson ( , 2010 notes that object pronouns with sentence antecedents appear in situ to a significantly greater extent when the matrix verb is a non-factive verb, as in example (2) above, where the matrix verb is tro 'think'.…”