Nonrevenue water (NRW) in a water distribution network is the water lost from unbilled authorized consumption, apparent losses, and real losses compared to the total system input volume. Nonrevenue water is an important parameter for prioritizing water distribution network improvement intervention planning, and it is necessary to identify the affecting parameters. A factor classification system has been developed based on the factors suggested by major institutions and researchers to propose an effective NRW classification system in a water distribution network. e factor classifications used include physical, operational, and socioeconomic factors that could affect NRW. Appropriate standards are required when classifying water main parameters. In this study, three criteria were proposed to create independent factors. e first relates to the properties of the parameter. One determines whether the parameters related to the water network are more suitable for physical, operational, or socioeconomic factors and classifies them into one of these three parameters. Second, one considers data availability and data characteristics taking into account the scope of the coverage area. ird, it must be possible to quantify selected parameter data. Whether the collected data are numerically valid and whether it can be used as a standard for assessment or comparison between regions must be examined. e quantification portion of the qualitative data in managing NRW is important and needs to be used in accordance with reasonable standards. In this study, more factors can be used depending on those selected, and it was found that NRW prediction that reflects regional characteristics is possible.