The purpose of the study is to improve the species composition of grass mixtures under irrigated conditions to increase their productivity, longevity and provide livestock with high-quality feed. The experiments were performed in 2019-2022 on old plowed lands located in the right-bank steppe of the north of Astrakhan region under irrigation. Irrigation method: sprinkling, 10 vegetation irrigations per season. The soil is light chestnut, medium loamy with a humus content of 0.90...1.00%. mobile phosphorus and potassium (according to Machigin) – 69 and 361.5 mg/kg, respectively. We studied 6 variants of grass mixtures: control (creeping wheatgrass, angustifolia bluegrass, awnless brome, coastal sedge, swamp grass, California cocklebur); grass mixture 1 – 25:25:25:25% (blue hybrid alfalfa, meadow clover, meadow timothy, meadow fescue; grass mixture 2 – 30:40:30% (meadow clover, multi-cut ryegrass, meadow fescue; grass mixture 3 – 50:50% ; (meadow clover and reed grass); grass mixture 4 – 25:25:25:25% (eastern goat’s rue, meadow clover, multi-cut ryegrass, meadow fescue; grass mixture 5 – 25:25:25:25% (meadow clover, meadow timothy) , multi-cut ryegrass, common beckmania); grass mixture 6 – 50:25:25% (meadow clover, festulolium, intermediate wheatgrass. The most productive were grass mixtures No. 1 and No. 2 – 147.6 and 156.3 t/ha of green mass, which higher than the control by 134.3 and 143.0 t/ha, respectively. All studied options were distinguished by high nutritional value - the content of feed units per 1 kg of dry biomass varied from 0.75 kg per 1 kg of feed for grass mixture No. 2 to 0.85. kg per 1 kg of feed for grass mixture No. 5. When feeding all grass mixtures with hay, the animals had a higher average daily weight gain (1.2...1.7 higher) in terms of nutritional value, compared to feeding with hay from natural grass. The high productivity and price of hay of legume-grass grass mixtures determine the high profitability (177%) of its production, which is 3.3 times higher than natural haymaking.